In Honor of...
the fantastic guy whose birthday is celebrated today (hint: see image to left!), I'm about to prove how truly boring I am No, seriously. :) For your amusement, I present MY TOP TEN THINGS to do on a school/work holiday.
1. READ.
2. Walk in the woods.
3. Go to a movie (did that one yesterday!). Or stay home, cuddle on the couch, and watch a movie. (Almost as good as going out -- and sometimes better. ;) )
4. Go out to eat. (Because, yeah, I don't really enjoy cooking, and the cleanup afterward? No. But I love food!)
5. READ. (This guy has the right idea, huh?)
6. (In summer) Go to the farmers market just to browse (and sometimes buy, but if I bought everything I wanted at the farmers market, I'd never be able to use it all).
7. Visit a bookstore!!!! (And in all honesty, my favorite is my local used bookstore. I compare it to people saying they love going to thrift store and digging around to find buried treasure. My used bookstore has an incredible selection, and even better, I can order new books there too!)
8. Sleeping/daydreaming.
9. Play a board game with the family. (Our most recent "love" is Settlers of Catan -- boy, have we gotten hours of fun out of that game.)
10. And finally, because it really is the best way to spend a true day off, it must be said thrice: READ! I even have the perfect option for your reading enjoyment:
So tell me, how are you spending your holiday weekend?
~ Ella